Tigertech, the leading software business for the endurance industry, today released RunRedeem, a service aimed at improving customer loyalty and runner interactions across multiple touchpoints.

Loyalty for loyalty’s sake

It’s a well-known fact that 80% of business comes from the top 20% of customers and this is still true today. It’s even more applicable to races, given that the ROI to acquire brand new customer continues to rise in proportion to the cost of online and offline media.

RunRedeem bridges the gap, turning loyal customers into brand advocates and crucially, gamifying the experience for new and hardcore loyal customers alike.

Loyalty at runners’ fingertips

RunRedeem is a web service with an option for the end user to download a digital card to his or her Google or Apple Wallet. This makes it extremely easy for them to see their loyalty score, as they always have their card available. Using the interactive feature of RunRedeem’s cards, it becomes easy for an event to hand out points to a specific runner, or for the runner to redeem them against merchandise, sponsor items or end of race celebratory giveaways.

Tigertech have developed integrations with registration systems, online stores, timing companies and tracking services. No matter which integrations your use of RunRedeem needs, it can be developed and customized to fit your and your runners’ needs.

New ways to steward participants

RunRedeem can also be used to aid participants whereby digital wallet cards become an added value. Distributing participant information for a smoother customer experience, both for organizer and participant, at an expo when the participant doesn’t have to search for an email for find his or her bib number, or for ticketing purposes, vouchers, etc. is very easy and efficient with RunRedeem. These are just some of the ways RunRedeem’s features come into play and remove physical requirements and costs.

About Tigertech

Tigertech was founded in 2020 to provide customized IT solutions and expert digital transformation consulting services to event organizers, brands, and suppliers in the endurance space. Clients include Göteborgsvarvet Half Marathon, the largest half marathon in the world, Marathongruppen, organizers of Stockholm Marathon, Maurten, New Balance, NN Running Team, Garmin and TCS.

If you are interested to know more about RunRedeem and what this service can do for your race or brand, please contact Johan Tigér, founder and CEO.



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