How to Create a Great Course for a Medium or Large Race
While many of the issues with creating a course are the same no matter how big or small your race is, once you start to crack 500 runners—and certainly by 1,000 athletes—the venues and hiccups change
How to Create a Great Course for a Small Race
When small mom-and-pop races, as he calls them, come to Jim Gilmer for help with course creation, operational set-up, and logistics, they almost always have a general idea of what they want to do.
Certifying Your Course: Do You Need to Bother?
If you are a new race director or direct a smaller race, perhaps you have been asked if your course is “certified.” It must be important if potential entrants are asking about it, right? YES: in almost every case, having your course certified IS important
Everything Race Directors Need to Know About Port-a-Potties
Well-known Boston Marathon race director, Dave McGillivray, who also founded DMSE Sports, once got locked in a port-a-potty 20 minutes before the start of the Boston Marathon. Everyone was waiting for him and he was stuck. “And then I dropped my two-way radio into the unit,” he said, while he was trying to get out.